Maximum power assistance: 25 km/h

Engine type: Bosch Active Line (Smart System)

Battery capacity: 500 Wh

Frame type

Frame size


Currently out of stock

Gross price:


About the manufacturer:

Although it is less well-known in Hungary than its more famous peers, no one should think that it lags behind the others in terms of its size, range, or even quality. Whether they talk about it or not, many people are trying to follow Winora. They have played a pioneering role in the field of electric bicycles for the past 10-15 years and continue to do so today with their innovative developments. In the world of trekking bicycles, their leading role in several European countries is unquestionable.

How to use the bike:

This bike is primarily recommended for touring or everyday use. Thanks to the geometry, we can comfortably cover long distances without back pain. Due to its equipment, it stands its ground at any time of day and weather, so it's up to us when we jump into the saddle.


On this page you can find all the instructions for use for the bicycles we sell.

And if you are wondering how many km you can cover, Bosch range calculator can help you.

Attention! The range calculator is basically designed for Bosch systems, but by choosing a motor with a similar torque and a battery with a similar capacity, we can get an estimate for other manufacturers' systems as well!

The image is an illustration only! Due to current spare parts supply problems, the specification of the bike may differ from the spare parts shown in the picture, but in all cases components of the same quality shall be installed. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our colleagues.